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View Full Version : Series Wiper Motor replacement

01-19-2008, 08:26 PM
Per Crazyfish's request, here are all the details:

I went marine, figuring that as those parts are designed to endure vibration, temperature extremes, and moisture, they are perfect for a Landy.

I got 2 Seadog Line sets, which included the motor, arm, and blade for $79 each at the local boat shop. 12V, self-parking, 110 degree sweep. Arm 8-12", blade 11". It says black crackle finish but it's smooth. Part # 410711-1. You may be able to find them cheaper online but speed was important to me.
Here's the original (http://bp2.blogger.com/_jI7_GO6Un9Y/R5KMnFhKz3I/AAAAAAAAAv4/B1aOYWUaG3k/s1600-h/CIMG3193.jpg) set-up:

And the comparison of one new, one old (http://bp3.blogger.com/_jI7_GO6Un9Y/R5KMnVhKz4I/AAAAAAAAAwA/YcjrOkDY2Ec/s1600-h/CIMG3196.jpg):

And here's my ultra-slick dashboard (http://bp0.blogger.com/_jI7_GO6Un9Y/R5KMnlhKz5I/AAAAAAAAAwI/cY2dcxqwRIM/s1600-h/CIMG3201.jpg). Nail polish and white-out done by previous owner (*sigh)*.

The shaft hole needed to be drilled out a smidge to fit. We weren't able to retain the outer arched frame thing, but since its function wasn't obvious to us we aren't mourning much.

Questions? Comments?

I now have two old Lucas motors available for purists who want to go all original. :)
Pics aren't showing up so I added links.

01-19-2008, 10:01 PM
If you can get the motors to me for the shop day, perhaps by club-relay, we can rebuild them. I'm sure someone will need them eventually...

Tom P.

01-20-2008, 11:59 AM
Here's the cheapest place I've found so far. I would call and verify - just in case. Same model number, no pic.


01-20-2008, 12:48 PM
Absolutely, Tom, be thrilled to pass them on. We may make it on Monday.

01-23-2008, 05:14 PM
Anybody coming through Paoli / Downingtown on their way to Wiper Day? I'd love to pass on the motors. Call me on 484-238-8127.