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View Full Version : Finaly music in a Series!

07-15-2008, 05:26 PM
we all know that owning a Series means no music in truck.....until now!
I've been researching a system for the truck but I didn't want a radio, big amp or big speakers.
Found this online and it arrived today.( 2 days after ordering!) IT IS LOUD.
It comes with waterproof speakers, a 100w amp and a remote volume and power control. All you have to do is attach to the battery - it has a built-in fuse - and plug in your music. I'm using my ipod.
The amp is tiny, not much bigger than a pack of cigarettes, so I can hide everything away nicely. The two speakers are small enough to tuck away as well.


It was $149 with shipping. Granted, my truck isn't actually running right now, but trust me, this setup should be plenty loud when said truck has been resurrected :D

07-31-2008, 02:40 PM
this looks perfect for the 109 or the D90

07-31-2008, 10:54 PM
Brother, that is the perfect solution.

Thanks for sharing. I have been wanting to find something I could run the ole ear-pod up to. This is perfect. :)

08-03-2008, 08:03 AM
Please be careful of your hearing! I now need hearing aids (fancy digital ones, $5300) due to my time flying open cockpit biplanes. They are uncomfortable so I don't wear them as much as I should... which gets frustrating for both me and those around me.

It's not a volume issue. I can hear a pin drop in a quiet environment, but I am nerve-deaf in some frequencies so I have trouble understanding voices if there is background noise. Reproduced voices, especially, like on a phone or a movie, are particularly hard. I've gotten pretty good at lip-reading but that's no good on the cell.

Limit your exposure to loudness as much as possible while still enjoying your Rover. :) Sorry to be a killjoy but I see all these kids running around with iPods that *I* can hear and I know they are deafening themselves.

ETA: The reason my aids are so pricey is that they selectively increase the frequencies I can't hear, and block the ones for the nerves that are compensating by being hypersensitive. Without the aids movies are not only garbled, they're painful. And I LOOOVES me some action flicks!