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View Full Version : Fall Rover Event

07-17-2009, 08:12 PM
Hi all - I'd like to put together a fall "rover show" here in Harrisburg to benefit the local non-profit Historic Harrisburg Association. There's a mansion on Front St called the Milestone Inn which HHA helped save from demolition. It's a great event venue and I'd love to see the parking lot and lawn filled with Rovers of all shapes and sizes. Would make a great scene on the river front as folks drove by. It would be catered and there would be music and of course the best Oktoberfest beers from local brew pubs... No off road skill tests, just a show and tell.

Any interest from the club? Could I get some feedback on the idea?

Rovers, Beer, Music, Old stone Mansion - what a great combination!!

Rob P
07-18-2009, 09:14 AM
I'm interested, it's within range and easy. But the benefit part? Pay to enter or does other people pay to look at our daily drivers sitting in the grass?

07-19-2009, 09:35 PM
dates and times
sounds like fun. something different.
faded paint,stratches,leaking power steering, ok sure.
make sure you can get as much info about the event to as many
as possible. send invites to dealer,shop windows,pizza shops,ect.
anywhere you can think of a place to put one up do it.