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View Full Version : D1 window lift ECU - repair

06-06-2010, 12:00 PM
I fixed our D1 window lift ECU today. Total time about 25 minutes - 10min dis-assembly + 10min de-solder/re-solder + 5min re-assembly. I found two instructionals on the web, one for a 1996 and one for a 1997 - which have different ECU boards. Even if you have a 1996, read the 1997 how-to, it has a really good step-by-step and materials listing.

For the 1996 ECU, there is a Tech article (http://discoweb.org/window/index.htm) on Dweb.

For the 1997 model (different ECU board) use this LINK (http://www.lrrforums.com/showthread.php?t=15216)

It's really nice having functioning rear windows again!

Tom P.

Rob P
06-06-2010, 10:18 PM
I've done that also. I pryed out the ECU only to find out that it slides out of that box easily. Oops. Awesome to have working windows again though. Glad it worked for you.