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View Full Version : A funny thing happened to me on the way to the picnic ...

09-18-2011, 06:09 PM
So I decided to pop in at Whip (as in cool wHip) Tavern on the way. Great little pub with some good food in the middle of horse country.

As I was parking, a lady towing a horse trailer pulls up next to me and says:
"Do you want to buy a Series 11A Land Rover?"

"What" I thought. Was I being picked up or was she selling a Land Rover? Either way it was a win-win for me.

She says "follow me, its a mile up the road"

So I follow her, and what do you know, she has a 67 or 68 (not sure) 11A in her garage. Original, has been in the family since it was bought by her grandfather. She has all the papers. Still runs. 95K miles. Was once used to plough her driveway.

I asked her how much she thought she wanted for it. She didnt know. I also did not suggest a price, because I dont really know.

So I need your help because I need to get back to her with some info. She is willing to have someone test drive it:
- What year is this?
- What else should I ask her in order to gauge a price?
- I dont really want to buy it. Anyone out there want it?

Pictures are here:

09-18-2011, 11:39 PM
I would be interested, and i am 5 miles from the whip!,

09-19-2011, 01:36 AM
That truck is cool. Looks like it has plow controls and custom made glove box doors! Someone should grab it up!

09-19-2011, 03:09 AM
Maaaan, if only the shop didnt need a new roof!

09-19-2011, 03:15 AM
Might want to toss this over into the guns and rovers group and ask Ike to maybe?

09-19-2011, 03:22 AM
Maaaan, if only the shop didnt need a new roof!

It's a Land Rover garage. It should leak!

09-19-2011, 04:06 AM
That thing looks pretty good!

Rob P
09-19-2011, 05:04 AM
Whats the going price for a usable series with a frame and bulkhead? $3k-$5k? I've seen gold diggers on Ebay asking Diesel Defender 110 money for a rusted hulk in a field. Where does this kinda thing fall?

09-19-2011, 04:37 PM

First, you should definitely buy it. Second, sit down at a local coffee spot and work out a price that keeps you both happy.

And you can always park it at my place - 385feet of driveway from the street!

Tom P.

09-19-2011, 08:58 PM
So I need your help because I need to get back to her with some info. She is willing to have someone test drive it:
- What year is this?
- What else should I ask her in order to gauge a price?
- I dont really want to buy it. Anyone out there want it?

Pictures are here:

Wow! I am interested!

09-20-2011, 09:16 PM
I can't tell how the frame looks but from the pics that body doesn't even need body work!
Like the TV comm.... That's AMAZING!!

I wonder if she will trade for my 83 RR?

09-20-2011, 09:35 PM
OK, so here is the latest ...

A few of you are interested, but parovertech (Jon) asked first. Then Tom B who I think was asking on behalf of someone else, then DiscoSux (Dave).

I am not being a mediator / middle man / sales guy etc, so I put Jon in touch with the owner Cathy via email. I have not heard back, so am not sure what is happening.

Jon, please kep us in the loop. I am curious. And if you dont want it, then pass it to next in line.

I am hoping that someone gets a good deal and enjoys it!

09-20-2011, 11:05 PM
I emailed the owner and am waiting on a response, If I dont purchase it i will let everyone know. I DO NOT plan on flipping the truck, i would rather keep that and sell my series III project.

09-20-2011, 11:29 PM
To anyone who saw my comment before I edited it ... I mentioned that I hope no one flips the Rover.

Apologies to Jon and anyone else who could easily think it was directed at them (probably anyone who read it!). It was a general statement, but a stupid one.

Time for me to slink away and read 'Forum Etiquette for Dummies'.

09-21-2011, 01:09 AM
You found it, passed on it, you can set the rules. I would only buy it flip it, so I did not follow up with you after our conversation. A good deal should be passed along, not a bunch of vultures fighting over it. Besides, it might be a $20,000 "rare" vehicle..... I hope who ever gets it, gets it cheap and passes on the favor. That's what makes the club work.

Rob P
09-21-2011, 05:05 AM
Ditto Mr. Fish's comment on making the club work. I would hope that if anybody in particular on the board spots ANY Rover for sale and a decent price they would post it on the forum for all to see. Together we can wipe out the cheap Rovers that are plauging our area and lock them safely in our garages where they will do no further harm to others or the environment.

09-23-2011, 03:38 AM
I went this afternoon and looked at the series truck, needless to say i was a little disappointed.I am going to pass on this one. The truck looked good in the pics and from about 10 feet away, but as i looked closer it showed signs of rust, it also had previous patches and repair jobs that were less than perfect, the frame was painted and it appears they just painted over rust, i was able to pull off a few chunks of rust/paint. When i inquired about the price this was the response" well we have put $10,000 into it in the past few years so thats what we want to get out of it". Its a little too much, i was expecting around $3-5k. I think if someone has an extra $10k they can find alot nicer truck. The entire underside of the truck was covered in oil also along with both front swivel balls.

09-27-2011, 09:56 PM
Is it painted? Or is it waxoyled? Doesn't really matter if they didn't bother to remove the rust first, but at least one shows an effort to cover up, while the other shows an effort to combat an issue. $10k is nuts though.

09-27-2011, 10:30 PM
Is it painted? Or is it waxoyled? Doesn't really matter if they didn't bother to remove the rust first, but at least one shows an effort to cover up, while the other shows an effort to combat an issue. $10k is nuts though.

OH it was painted, I believe the owner had no idea of the actual condition of the vehicle,