View Full Version : WOW .... just wow!!

05-24-2012, 08:47 AM
Did you see the Conclave / Mar 'discusions'? Give yourself a good 20 minutes for some entertainment.

Make me realise what a good club we have.


05-24-2012, 11:34 AM
I've been following all that. Hard to believe isn't? I cannot believe how hard ROAV makes it for themselves creating all these club laws and bylaws.

The whole conversation is just embarrassing. My 2 year old could get along better than these guys.

05-24-2012, 11:40 AM
i like to how my club was referred to as an open and transparent non-profit.

Conclave is a mess right now and it's sad. going to try and clean it up.

05-24-2012, 01:34 PM
the vw forum i moderate goes thru this same type of thing... the thing we have going for us, is we are nothing more / nothing less than just a forum. we still hold events. we still sold shirts and hats in the past. BUT there is no club BS to go along with it...

for a while, the tag line was... "CePAVW.org.... we are NOT a club"

everyone always has their own ideas on how things should be run, how things should look, all that jazz. and it becomes a giant weenie fest like on the ROAV site. i remember a while back when people wanted rally stickers made up. the design was complete, and ready for the printer and at the last minute people were complaining about the size, and then the cost... so a lesser quality design was compromised on, and they went from being stickers to being magnets. it just was a GIANT fiasco across the board.

i'll be honest... i dont know WTF a CONCLAVE or a MAR is. :D but they're acting quite childish, on both sides about it. :cool:

can't we all just get along? :cool:

05-24-2012, 05:40 PM
I've been reading the same thread for a while and as Galen said, it is simply embarrasing.
We are all adults, we all share a love of these leaky money pits and have a need to see friends and camp once in a while. I took the week off for MARclave this year, as I do every year, and look forward to it all year long.
I know nothing ( and care to know even less) of the politics within ROAV, other than what has been talked about for years already.
All I want to do is see friends I never get to see, inevitably break something, and get greasy!

If they can't get their #$%@ together soon and this event goes to hell in a handbag, I'm going to be pissed!!!

.....rant over......and scene! :D

05-25-2012, 09:10 AM
i like to how my club was referred to as an open and transparent non-profit.

Conclave is a mess right now and it's sad. going to try and clean it up

Ed I like the set up you have for the NELRC.

05-25-2012, 06:27 PM
Ed I like the set up you have for the NELRC.

by default you are now treasurer. lol...

05-26-2012, 01:26 PM
It's apperant that the ROAV board is chock full of a-holes.

05-28-2012, 11:10 AM
OK Guys just to clear things up Mar and the Conclave are not the same entity. ROAV had approached Justin (Conclave) to hold their event (MAR) at the Conclave venue everything was fine until all the old farts at ROAV decided they didn't want MAR to be that far away from Richmond.

So now ROAV has nothing to do with involvement in any way at the Conclave and to go to the next step there is no MAR this year which will cut membership in ROAV to nothing and therefore MAR will probably never be again, at least as a ROAV production

I would expect to see most of the MAR attendees to be at the Conclave with none of the ROAV wimpering and, unfortunate to some no pony rides

05-28-2012, 11:38 AM
hey...wait....say what now?! there better be ponies!!

05-28-2012, 03:11 PM
There is a rumor ROAV will have pony rides but you have to be a member to participate...for insurance reasons.