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View Full Version : We're OK

10-31-2012, 07:16 AM
So, Alicia, Pennie, and I survived Sandy well enough. The wind was nuts! We lost power for a few days (and as hard as he tried, our little 1000w Coleman generator struggled to keep the fridge going), part of our privacy fence (which we were thankfully able to repair), some tree limbs came down, and everything is covered in muddy leaves. But, all things being equal, we are far better off than those in our immediate area. The eastern part of my town -- the little bay beach, the town's beautiful public docks and boat ramp, the houses and the condos -- are all gone.

Long Beach Island -- which is was staple of my childhood and the entirety of southern Ocean County's tourism, nautical businesses, million-dollar homes, great restaurants, etc. are all but gone. And if you have ever had the pleasure of walking the boardwalks in Pt. Pleasant, Seaside, Atlantic City, or Wildwood, things will never be the same. Nearly everything from my childhood and even adult life has been touched by this storm. THANKFULLY all of our friends and family are safe and as difficult as it will be for everyone, stuff can be replaced, people cannot.

What amazes us all is that Sandy made landfall "only" as a border category 1 or 2 in strength -- the category 5 that hit New Orleans must have been like the finger of God.

10-31-2012, 08:38 AM
glad to hear that everyone is ok. we got lucky here. no power loss and major damage just alot of leaves on the ground and small branches.

10-31-2012, 07:07 PM
glad to hear you are all okay!!