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View Full Version : It can't be all downhill from here

Rob P
02-26-2007, 09:27 PM
Well, I had it 8 days and the check engine light came on in Yellow. Got the code checked today and they said it was something like P1317 engine management issue or misfire? I am thinking it's nothing worth F-ing with but that damn yellow light is annoying. Battery disconnect and reconnect?

Rob P
02-26-2007, 09:32 PM
I did find a handy site with error codes:


02-26-2007, 10:05 PM
I can't find that box on my SIII.
Where is it?

Rob P
02-26-2007, 10:19 PM
Yeah, damn computers anyway........um, wait, I didn't mean that. (think the disco can hear me saying this?)

02-27-2007, 07:07 PM
It can hear you. Mine heard me say, "wow, I can't believe how great it's running". Then ate it's own piston.

03-04-2007, 11:53 PM
Take them out and put them in a Faraday cage when you're not using them... *then* they won't be able to hear you!!! :D

Actually, I have a computerless Disco II. Mind you, it refuses to go anywhere without getting them back. The SRS ECU, Cruise ECU, ACE ECU, SLABS ECU, EAT ECU, EMS, ATC ECU, instrument panel, BCU, IDM, and radios are all sitting on my kitchen table glaring at me!

I am thinking about persuading them to break up, I figure if I get a new microprocessor to talk sweet nothings to the EMS that I can dispense with the BCU, IDM, ignition switch interlock and rolling code transmitter, transponder and receiver. The ATC ECU has already been given its marching orders and will be replaced by a manual valve and possibly a switch for a new, smaller blower fan to go with the planned new, larger heater core. I am thinking the ACE ECU will go, because I fancy the pump for other purposes, but I haven't quite been able to decide to bin it just yet. The SRS and Cruise are definitely out. Taking out the airbags sure does free up some useful room, but taking out the entire dashboard seems to free up even more. And the EMS, EAT ECU, panel and SLABS ECU are in, unless someone can point out a good reason to do something different... (retrofitting with series gauges instead of the instrument panel is on the list of things to do eventually, just for fun. It does not make it into the initial plan.)

Of course, even without the computers, Lucas is a dark master. The main wiring loom on the Disco II was apparently designed by a sick and twisted individual with a hatred for field mechanics and a penchant for unnecessarily complicating everything just so as to pass the EMC test with the fewest possible and cheapest possible components. I suppose it could be worse... it could be all in carefully unnumbered pink teflon coated wires with wirewrapped connector pins, hand woven sheathing and a sticky filler. Oh, and did I mention that the same cable assembly passes through the firewall twice with no connectors?

03-05-2007, 09:41 AM
Well, first I would recommend not using an aerosol product in a confined space! And how did your sig other allow all that stuff in the kitchen? What you'd end up with sounds similar to a 12v Series Rover...

Rob P
03-05-2007, 11:35 PM
Time limitations prevent me from an appropriate response to that long response. It was however very good and made me laugh. (Although my S.O. was going "shussh" while trying to get the baby to sleep)

I did find out though why my ABS isn't A-ing anymore..........seems a previous owner took out the 30amp fuse that runs it and left it vacant. I haven't tried replacing it yet.