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View Full Version : New guy

03-05-2007, 10:19 PM
Hey folks, thought I'd introduce myself instead of just lurking. I'm not new to the Land Rover scene but am relatively new to the Series scene.

Aside from the Disco and the P38 we just added a 1973 Series III that I've been devoting a lot of attention to lately. Since we got her all cleaned up she's been my daily driver. Aside from some carb issues and replacing the broken bits she runs real well and has more character than both the others trucks combined.

I must admit, when I drive my Series things fall away ... I forget about what's going on that day, what my time table looks like, what I need to think about at work ... I forget about it all and just drive. I concentrate on the gear shifter movement, the quirks of the steering, the sound of the engine, and the feeling I get as I move down the road at 40 miles an hour.

In short, driving a Series has grounded me.

Hope y'all don't mind if I pick your brains along the way.

03-05-2007, 11:25 PM
Welcome aboard. I've already checked out your blog so I know you are addicted! Lots of Series here, ask away.

03-05-2007, 11:30 PM
Welcome, I hope to one day join the ranks and be a considered a fellow Series owner, until then, it will have to settle for Rover owner....... But that's a great thing too!! Enjoy

03-06-2007, 09:02 AM
Excellent description! I too forget the world in the Series.

The best times last summer were me, my wife and my dog cruising the state forests with the top off in search of hiking trails. Warm weather hurry up and come back!

03-06-2007, 06:47 PM
Hurray. I'm not the new guy anymore, although your credentials, from a LR standpoint, are better. Oh well. Welcome.

03-09-2007, 03:35 PM
Hey i remember seeing that for sale somewhere. Looked nice and for the price i almost bought it if i had not bought my 109.

03-10-2007, 12:15 AM

I bought it off Dweb ... it did look great in the pics, but overall she needs a lot more work than was originally let on. I don't mind a bit though, as she was priced right for what we were looking for and we wanted something we could learn the Series truck on you know?

A little motor work, some frame repair, some carb issues, interior of course needs a resto, but other than that she's been a great addition to the family! My wife loves to drive it, with any luck my one-year-old will learn to drive on it (yes, keeping fingers crossed) and I love cruising her as my daily driver.

A 109 though ... :) maybe that's next on my list!