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04-23-2007, 10:49 PM
Kermit, the vehicle formerly known as Landie, has been liberated from the tentacles of the MidAtlanticTerminal in Baltimore and rode a U-haul trailer home.......:D Evan helped, it was quite the road-trip.

Now I'm going sailing for a week.....if you want to follow along go here:


Rob P
04-24-2007, 08:57 PM
congrats, checked the sailing log, when are you hosting the next Rovers Club meeting onboard again? I forget.

04-24-2007, 09:41 PM
Hmmmm.....Rovers and Rovers (as in roving the worlds oceans......)

04-24-2007, 10:17 PM
yeah yeah what Rob said.... or in your mobile party vehicle

05-02-2007, 09:33 AM
I'll think about all that......meanwhile here's a report on the "liberation"...

Kermit, the vehicle formerly known as the Land Rover, was successfully liberated from the claws of Willenius Wilhelmsen and the US Customs and Border Protection on the 23rd.....

Quite the scene. Everything in this process is automated/e-mail/on-line.....booking the shipping, paying, the barcode on the window when it goes on the ship, the ship itself, the docking slots, the customs clearance, me coming into the teminal and getting my paperwork stamped initialed etc. Everyone is looking at a computer screen....and then.....

They apparently take all the stuff off the boat and dump it on the dock. So at the end of a long line of people and processes, you get to a small, boob calendar sporting shack in the middle of this (HUGE) dock, and there, together with 50 or so truck drivers, you talk to a cigarette smoking, guy behind a table with piles and piles of paperwork who talks in to the phone, and into a radio saying things like: "Bob, you see any red f%$%ing combines out there in zone K? What, only green ones? Yeah , those are Deeres. How many of those you got? 40? No red ones?" Now mind you, we're talking an agricultural device larger than some houses I've lived in.....how do you loose "a few" of those?

So I hand the guy my paperwork, and he adds it to the piles, and tells me to wait outside. For what and for how long he doesn't say.

About 45 minutes later, a small, well worn sedan comes by, occupied by another individual fighting with piles of paperwork. Some in his hands, like playing cards, others on the seat next to him and on the floor. Fortunately he is in a good mood and takes pity on me. "What are you looking for? He says. I tell him. "Hmmm, a Land Rover, with canvas top....Land Rover, Land Rover......I think I know where it is. Hop in the back." I get in and we take off into the vast acres of new and old cars, trucks and earth moving and agricultaural utensils. "Does is start?" he says. "I hope so" I reply. "Did last time I saw it." "Good" he says. I spot the Rover a few blocks over (fortunately the thing is tall and sticks out above the platoons of Japanese citizens transports). I get out of the sedan as he says "See if it starts and bring it over to the office. I'll be back to check on you."

Fortunately it does start, and I drive over to the office, wondering if anyone cares what my liability, or insurance coverage for that matter, is driving a 45 year old tank with unknown state of brake or steering maintenance..... A half hour later we have more stamps and signatures, the Rover is loaded on the U-haul trailer, and we are outathere......

05-02-2007, 10:36 AM
You didn't have any red combines in the back did you?