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View Full Version : Land Rover ebay Search Site

11-09-2007, 07:08 PM
Got this in an email - looks great, works well.

I got tired of searching Ebay for Rover parts manually, so I gave
myself a new project to sit-down over a few weekends and work-up a
site that I think makes it easier to search Ebay for Rover stuff. I
showed it to a friend who's in the Pacific Coast Rover Club and she
thought that it was a handy idea that other groups would probably find
useful as well. She told the PCRC about the site, but said I should
contact other clubs as well.

So, based upon her recommendation, I decided to contact you and see if
you'd be willing to have a look at Rover Garage (www.rovergarage.com (http://www.rovergarage.com))
and if you feel it's worth mentioning to your club members and/or on
your club's website, I'd really appreciate it!

There is no additional cost involved in finding the Ebay auctions
through Rover Garage and I don't collect any kind of information (no
names, e-mail or anything). It's a cleaner, more organized (in my
humble opinion!) way to search the listings. I just made Rover Garage
to meet my own needs initially and figured it might be useful for
others also.

11-11-2007, 08:10 PM
Thanks Sean !
Missed you today at Robesonia

11-14-2007, 12:12 PM
That link is awesome. I can actually look for a Land Rover part and not get 500 listings for bling-bling 22" rims.

Great find Sean. Thanks.