Posted for Bill Simone
50 acres in Clinton County that we want to put trails on.
It is very remote, and lies about one mile back a gated/locked dirt road.
Therefore everyone will have to arrive together. I cannot accomodate late
comers. Our plan is to have interested parties meet at my place at 7:00 am saturday morning.
845 Cumberland Street, Lebanon, PA 17042 717.274.3621 or 717.228.3703
Very nice camping spot on top of the hill, but inorder to access it we will
have to build a log bridge over a small creek first. NO driving in the creek,
it is a fresh water trout stream.
So, people with chain saws, tools, know how and willingness to work on a
bridge and trails will enjoy this outing.
No bathroom facilities on land, so be prepared to go in the woods.
2.5 to three hour drive. it is very near to Lock Haven PA
What did I miss? Give me a call if you want at the 3621 # during the day(my business)
this is preferable to email if you have a question as I may not see the email

Bill Simone